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Racing Rules
Racing must be;
a) Postponed, b) Abandoned, c) Shortened
Because of foul weather
Because of insufficient wind making it unlikely that any boat will finish within the time limit
Because a mark is missing or out of position
For any reason directly affecting the safety or fairness of the competition
However, after one (1) boat has sailed the course and finished within the time limit, if any, the Race Committee shall not abandon the race without considering the consequences for all boats in the race or series.
Races will be abandoned prior to commencement at the discretion of the Starters and/or Race Committee.
a) Postponement (Rule 27.3)
Before the starting signal, the Race Committee may for any reason postpone a race by showing the Answering Pendant (AP) + 2 Sounds
b) Abandonment (Rule 32.1)
After the starting signal, the Race Committee or Starters may abandon a race as appropriate by raising the Flag N over Flag A + 3 Sounds
c) Shortened Course (Rule 32.2)
Courses may be shorted if, due to little or no wind, the starters deem there is insufficient time to finish the full course. This is the preferred option over abandonment at PFSYC. Flag S will be displayed to signal a shortened course from;
The Start Box
At the start under the course numeral pendant to indicate the finish will be at the first crossing of the Start/Finish Line after the start
During the race indicating that the next pass through the Start/Finish line is the end of the race
Missing Mark (Rule 34)
A boat shall proceed from a position approximating that of the missing mark to the next mark of the course. Where there is a major shortening of a course achieved by proceeding from a point that was not within reasonable proximity to the charted position of the missing mark, protests will be accepted.
Touching a Mark (Rule 31)
Penalty 360 degree turn.
Penalties for Breaking Rules when Boats Meet (Rule 44)
Only 44.1 and 44.2 apply (see below)
44.1 720 degree turn penalty: If boat caused injury or serious damage, or despite taking a penalty, gained a significant advantage in the race or series by her breach her penalty shall be to retire.
44.2 720 degree turn penalty: After getting well clear of other boats as soon after the incident as possible, a boat takes a Two-Turns Penalty by promptly making the turns in the same direction, each turn including one tack and one gybe. When a boat takes the penalty at or near the finishing line, she shall sail completely to the course side of the line before finishing.
Start & Finish Lines
Other Clubs Start/Finish lines may be crossed in a manner obeying the RRS.
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