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Sunday Racing
​If only one Division is starting, the start signal will be at 1400hrs during the summer season or, 1330hrs for the winter (Frostbite season - see below).
All Sunday Races are a flying start, except where programmed for a handicap start.
When the fleet sails as a Combined Division, the uppermost Division flag on the start box yardarm is the division course to be sailed.
If additional courses are provided they will supersede all others.
If two (2) or more Divisions are starting then the start will be;
Start times are notional and depend on the classes sailing and strength of wind.
Sunday Afternoon Div II
Sunday Afternoon Div III
Sunday Afternoon Div IV
Sunday Racing Handicap Start
Div I/II
Frostbite Series
Combined Division.
The fleet will sail under Naval Numeral 2.
Time Limit Rule (Rule 35)
Unless specified elsewhere the time limit will be three (3) hours. Such Limit will be extended by thirty (30) minutes if the first boat completes the course within 3 hours, thereby extending the time to three (3) hours and thirty (30) minutes. Boats not finishing will be recorded DNF (did not finish).
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